Adolescent Health Promotion Lab

The Adolescent Health Promotion Lab is overseen by Dr. Elizabeth Weybright, and includes undergraduate Human Development and graduate Prevention Science students. Recognizing adolescence as a critical period of biological, cognitive, and social development, we seek to promote health and prevention risk behavior within out of school time contexts. Using a prevention science framework we work to identify what contributes to healthy adolescent development and use this information to develop and/or refine preventive interventions that promote the health of adolescents and emerging adults.

Adolescent Health Promotion Lab.

Recent News

June 2024

New publication out evaluating a training and technical assistance center to support rural opioid providers.

Weybright, E., Phibbs, S., Watters, C., Myers, A., Peavy, M., & Martin, A. (2024). The role of Cooperative Extension in delivering training and technical assistance to support evidence-based behavioral health practices in rural communities [Special Issue]. Evaluation & the Health Professions. Advance online publication.

May 2024

Lab members attend and present at the Society for Prevention Research annual meeting in Washington, DC.

See below for presentation titles and co-authors.

  • Weybright, E., & Price, F. (2024, May). Community-engaged research in prevention science: What does it look like and where are we going? Special interest group meeting at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
  • Weybright, E., Watters, C., Pascoe, K., Hampilos, K., Martinez, A. D., Cooper, B., Leach, J., & Varrella, G. (2024, May). For communities and with communities: Engaging local partners in an adaptation of an evidence-based substance use prevention program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
  • Weybright, E., Watters, C., Phibbs, S., Myers, A., Peavy, M., & Martin, A. (2024, May). Evaluating the role of a training and technical assistance center to support evidence-based practices among rural-serving opioid providers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
  • Price, F., Cory, A., & Weybright, E. (2024, May). Perceptions of core components of land-based interventions for urban Indigenous youth. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
  • Price, F., Price, T., & Weybright, E. (2024, May). Scoping review of outdoor and land-based prevention interventions for Indigenous youth in the United States and Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.

Congratulations to Dr. Faith Price who graduated with her PhD in Prevention Science!

Two individuals at commencement.

Faith successfully defended her dissertation titled “Connecting to the good life: A scoping review, multiple site case study, and qualitative inquiry of outdoor and land-based prevention programs for Indigenous youth.” She is now working as a Research Associate for the John Hopkins University Center for Indigenous Health.

January 2024

New publications out on rural behavioral health partners and needs as well as approaches to recruiting rural adolescents! See brief descriptions and article links below.

The first publication advocates for a Health Extension approach, in partnership with Cooperative Extension, to more effectively address behavioral health in rural communities.

The second publication provides strategies for researchers to thoughtfully recruit rural adolescents in research on sensitive topics, such as firearm-related research. You can find more information on our Youth Firearm Injury Prevention project page.

Led by Dr. Liat Kriegel, the next publication focuses on needs of rural-serving opioid prevention, treatment, and recovery providers. This work was published in the Community Mental Health Journal.

December 2023

New publication on benefits of teens as teachers.

Two prevention science graduate students, Anaderi Iniguez and Erica Doering worked with Dr. Weybright to publish a manuscript on the impact of teen peer education on teen’s own dietary knowledge and behaviors. See full reference below.

November 2023

New publication available on association between boredom and substance use in college students.

Prevention Science graduate student Erica Doering led this work to investigate how different types of boredom are associated with cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco use. See full reference below published in a special issue of the journal Cannabis.

October 2023

New publications out on health behavior, substance use, and firearm carrying.

May 2023

Congratulations to Spring 2023 graduates!

Prevention science graduate student Elizabeth Purser at Spring 2023 graduation.

Big congratulations to Elizabeth Purser, who is finishing up her Masters in Prevention Science and walked in Spring graduation!

Undergraduate students presenting a poster at the PSGSO poster session.

Undergraduate research assistants, Rittick Nandy and Gavin Mina, also graduated with their Bachelor’s degrees! Here’s a photo of Rittick (right) and Gavin (left) presenting a lab poster.

Dr. Weybright joins the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine as Affiliate Faculty

Dr. Weybright has joined the Department of Community and Behavioral Health in WSU’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine as an Affiliate Faculty member.

Dr. Weybright and colleagues’ work on rural firearm injury prevention was highlighted in the WSU Insider

A recent press release focused on work Dr. Weybright has done in partnership with colleagues in WSU Extension and at University of Washington. Read the full story here.

April 2023

Dr. Weybright joins the Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program as Affiliate Faculty!

Dr. Weybright has joined University of Washington’s Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program as an Affiliate Faculty Member.

New publication on impact of prevention systems on handgun carrying behaviors.

Dr. Weybright is a co-author on a new article published in JAMA Network Open titled Effect of the Communities That Care Prevention System on Adolescent Handgun Carrying
A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial.
Find the article here
See press release here

Dr. Weybright and lab members presented their research at the Society for Research on Adolescence!

Three people smiling at camera.

Dr. Weybright served as Program Co-Chair for the first annual SRA meeting in San Diego, CA. The in-person meeting was the culmination of over a year’s worth of planning!

Congratulations to lab members who presented!

  • Purser, E. & Weybright, E. (2023, April). Another Brick in the Wall: How are school risk and protective factors associated with adolescent hope? Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

  • Watters, C., Weybright, E., Hampilos, K., Purser, E., Doering, E., White, A., Greer, M., Fees, J., Varrella, G., & McDonell, M. (2023, April). “I never realized how hard recovery is.” Evaluation of a youth participatory action research project for opioid misuse prevention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.
  • Hampilos, K., Pascoe, K., Weybright E., Martinez, A. D., Cooper, B., Doering, E., & *Purser, E. (2023, April). Addressing youth cannabis use in a legalized context: Pilot evaluation of an adapted substance use prevention program for youth and families. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.

January 2023

Dr. Weybright and colleagues present rural opioid needs assessment data.

Image of research poster.

Led by Dr. Kriegel with colleagues from the College of Medicine, our team from the Northwest Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Collaborative (formerly the Center for Rural Opioid Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery) presented a poster on rural provider barriers and needs at the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference.