Positive Youth Development

Positive youth development, or PYD, is focused on promoting the assets or strengths of adolescents. Our lab views adolescent development from a prevention science and positive youth development perspective – meaning we look at both risk and protective factors related to health. A PYD framework is used in multiple ways from researching association of PYD outcomes with adolescent behavior (e.g., romantic relationships, substance use) to running programming  with Extension partners.

Research questions currently being addressed include:

  • How is PYD associated with romantic socialization?
  • How do 4-H teen leadership programs serve to promote PYD?
  • What are teens experiences in participatory action research?
  • How can we build capacity among Extension professionals to promote PYD using evidence-based programs?

Youth Advocates for Health (YA4-H!)

Check out the WSU YA4-H! page here.

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