Lifespan Development Option (120 credits)

The Lifespan Development optionfocuses on the foundations of development from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood. You will gain psychosocial and bioecological perspectives on the interrelationships between individuals, families, organizations, and communities.

Career Opportunities

The Lifespan Development option opens the door to numerous helping professions. You will be prepared for a career in public and private human service agencies, as well as local, state, and federal government.


  • Students must complete 24 credits, earning a GPA of at least 2.0, to be admitted to the Human Development major.
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better in all HD courses that apply to the option, including substitutions is required to (a) maintain admission in the major; and (b) complete the Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development.
  • Of the 41 credits required for the major and Lifespan Development option, a minimum of 21 must be taken at WSU.


Visit the WSU Course Catalog for list of required courses, course descriptions, and a sample four-year plan.


